8 Kasım 2011 Salı

Metin: Firat Araboğlu

Coğrafyalar-dışı Bir Birliktelik Nasıl Mümkün Olabilir?


Anadolu ve Balkanlar’da yaşanan mübadele döneminden yola çıkarak, “sınırlar”, “kültürel geçişlilikler”, “diyalog/diyalog eksiklikleri” gibi konular üzerinden bir seyahat programının deneyim çıktıları nasıl olabilir? Ya da diğer bir deyişle tarih, kimlik, coğrafya(sızlık) ve kültürel geçişlilik gibi konu(m)lar nasıl görünür hale getirilebilir? İşte bu temel sorulardan hareketle Apartman Projesi’nin X-OP AB Projesi’nin desteğiyle yaşama geçirdiği “Re-Locate” sergisi Beyoğlu’nda Rumeli Han’da izleyicilere sunuldu. Peki sadece bitmiş işler üzerinden değil, bir süreç okumasını da gerektiren sergiye yakından baktığımızda neler görülmekte?

Akışı Kes Akışı Kes

Balkanlara düzenlenen gezide yer alan sanatçılar arasında Mehmet Dere, Ha za vu zu, Suat Öğüt, Zeynp Pekünlü, Ilgın Seymen ve Gökçe Süvari bulunmakta (Süvari aynı zamanda etkinliğin Selda Asal ile birlikte koordinatörlüğünü de üstlenmiş). Projenin İstanbul ayağı içinse Gjorgje Jovanovik, Alban Muja, Raycho Stanev ve Mary Zygouri yer alıyor. Türkiye’den giden sanatçıların seyahat programını incelediğinizde Plovdiv, Atina, Üsküp ve Priştina’da kaldıklarını öğreniyorsunuz. Tüm bu yolculuk esnasında yaşananlar, lojistik konular, çalışma, seyahatta başa gelen olaylara dair Selda Asal’ın dairenin koridor duvarlarında ve mutfak kısmında sergilediği sahne arkası çekimleri, sergiyi gezmeden önce size gerekli olan harita bilgilerini sunuyor – Asal’ın deyimiyle “dokümantasyon dokümante ediliyor”.

Mehmet Dere’nin “Teneffüs” çalışması resmi tarihin okul kitaplarındaki temsilinin parodisini belirtmek üzere Lord Byron’un “sessizlik ve gözyaşları ile” mısrası ile birlikte sunulurken, Zeyno Pekünlü’nün hem Balkanlar ve Anadolu’daki evlilikler, ailesel kökler ve böylece köklerin karışımı üzerinden gerçekleştirdiği “Hairy Tale” başlıklı evlilik dokümantasyonu güzel ve etkili bir senaryo ile ilerliyor. Serginin mekana-özgü yerleştirilmesi ile en çok saklanan ama imgesel olarak fazlasıyla izleyiciyi kuşatan işi Ilgın Seymen’e ait: Mnemonics isimli çalışma sanatçının gittiği yerlerdeki topladığı materyallere ve görsel kültürel belleğe dayanıyor. Ha za vu zu’nun daha önce Rotterdam, Lyon ve İstanbul’da gerçekleştirdiği Akışı Kes performansı Plovdiv, Atina ve Priştina’da nispeten daha olaysız geçerken, Üsküp’te daha agresif bir tepki almış, bu da Ha za va zu’nun yorumuyla, aslında siyasal gerginlik ve iktidara gösterilemeyen tepkinin, sivil eylem üzerinden katılımcılara yansıtılmasına neden oluyor. Sırf bu tespitin araştırılması bile Ha za vu zu’nun ediminin başarısını ortaya koymakta.

Alban Muja, Raycho Stanev, Gjorgje Jovanovik ve Mary Zygouri dörtlüsünden akılda kalanlar ise son iki isme ait. Muja’nın işi diğer çalışmaların yanında temsili daha kapalı sunarken, Stanev’in multimedya yerleştirmesi yeni bir ses üretmiyor. Jovanovik’in desenlerinden oluşan “İstanbul Günlüğü” ve Zygouri’nin “Syntagma Hamamı” başlıklı Rum cemaati üzerine olan çalışmaları akılda kalıcı. Özellikle Zygouri’nin Türkiye ve Yunanistan arasındaki mübadele ve 1955 pogromu üzerinden günümüz politikalarına çok-cepheli sunduğu bakış, üzerine çok fazla düşünülecek malzeme vermekte.

Teslim Bayrağı Çekmek

Sergide yer alan iki ismi sona bırakmayı tercih etmemin nedeni, doğrudanlıkları ve akılda kalıcılıkları noktasında gösterdikleri açıklık yüzünden. Suat Öğüt’ün “Teslim Bayrağı Çekmek” çalışması, bu yıl Venedik’teki bayraksız bayrak direkleri ile dikkatleri çeken Latifa Echakhch’ın işine referans verirken, Türk, Makedon, Yunan, Bulgar ve Arnavut olmanın beş nedeni üzerinden yarattığı yerleştirme oldukça incelikli kimlik sorgulamarını haiz. Fıkra Projesi daha önce “Disco Disco Petrolium” çalışmasından gelişen “fıkralar” üzerinden karşılıklı toplumsal yargıları deşifre etmekte. Son olarak Gökçe Süvari’nin Atina’nın protestocu köpeği Loukanikos üzerinden görünür kıldığı “mit” sokakların ve eylem alanlarının varlığı yanında, sanki bu kahramanın havlamalarını duyacağımız bir yakınsama duygusu yaratak bir tür heroik durum yaratıyor.

Coğrafyalar-dışı bir deneyim alanı yer değiştirmeler ile mümkün kılınabilir ve Apartman Projesi’nin “Re-Locate” projesi bu deneyimi totolojik bir anlatıya dönüştürmeden tüm yalınlığıyla gözler önüne seriyor. Bu da bize Michel Foucoult, Gilles Deleuze ve Felix Guattari’nin “üretken olanın daima göçebe olan” olduğu tespitlerini hatırlatmış oluyor. Son olarak Apartman Projesi, 5533 gibi entegre piyasaya kafa tutabilen inisyatif sayısı çok az bir rakama inmişken bu tip alanların desteklenmesi ve ilgilenilmesinin önemini de hatırlatmış olalım. Re-Locate Proje Sergisi 6 Kasım’a kadar Beyoğlu Rumeli Han B Blok Kat 3’te izlenebilir.

23 Ekim 2011 Pazar

Re-Locate Talk with the Artists

(Please scroll down for English)

Re-Locate  Sanatci Konusmasi

26 Ekim 2011 Carsamba

Rumeli Han B Blok,

 Kat 3 İstiklal Caddesi No:48, Beyoğlu, İstanbul

Re-Locate katilimcilari workshop deneyimlerini izleyici ile paylasiyor.

Kavramsal çerçevesini Anadolu ve Balkanlar arasında gerçekleşen mübadele döneminden alarak, sınırların değişkenliği, kültürel ortaklıklar, ihtilaflar, iletişim eksikliği ve yeni iletişim biçimleri kurabilme yöntemleri gibi konulara odaklanan Re-Locate projesi, bu bağlamda seçilen mekanlarla paylaşılan ortak tarihsel geçmişi kendine yol haritası yapmanın yanı sıra, sanatçılar, küratörler, yazarlar ve kurumlar arasında kurulabilecek yeni bir ağa temel oluşturmaya çalışır.

Re- Locate yolculuklarla ve sürekli hareket halinde gerçekleşen deneysel bir workshop pratiğini önerir ve mobil deneyimlerden beslenir. Geçişlilik hali şehirler, sınırlar gibi fiziksel geçişliliğin yanı sıra tarihsel, kimliksel ve ideolojik geçişleri de geniş bir biçimde kapsamaya çalışır.

Workshop Katilimcilari:
Mehmet Dere, Ha za vu zu, Gjorgje Jovanovik, Alban Muja, Suat Öğüt, Zeyno Pekünlü, Ilgın Seymen, Raycho Stanev, Gökçe Süvari, Mary Zygouri

Re-Locate 6 Kasim’a kadar Rumeli Han’da.


Selda Asal
Ha za vu zu
Suat Ogut
Zeyno Pekunlu
Ilgin Seymen
Gokce Suvari

Re-Locate Open Talk with the Artists

October 26, 2011 Wednesday

Roumelie Han B Blok,3rd Floor İstiklal Caddesi No:48, Beyoğlu, İstanbul

Re-Locate participants are talking about their experiences on the workshop process.

The theoretical framework of the Re- Locate project is based on the population exchange between Anatolia and the Balkans and it focuses on the flexibility of the borders, cultural similarities, controversies, the lack of communication between cultures, as well as various methods of developing new communication models.
Re- Locate Project proposes an experimental workshop practice that is based on mobility and translocation. The suggested mobility tries to en- compass the physical transitivity of the cities and borders, as well as the flexibility of historical, identitarian, and ideological borders.

Workshop Participants:
Mehmet Dere, Ha za vu zu, Gjorgje Jovanovik, Alban Muja, Suat Öğüt, Zeyno Pekünlü, Ilgın Seymen, Raycho Stanev, Gökçe Süvari, Mary Zygouri

Re-Locate can be seen in Roumelie Han until the November 6, 2011.

Participants of open talk:

Selda Asal
Ha za vu zu
Suat Ogut
Zeyno Pekunlu
Ilgin Seymen
Gokce Suvari

9 Eylül 2011 Cuma

Save the date; Re-Locate Project Exhibition September 13 2011, 18.30

(Please scroll down for English version)



Mehmet Dere, Ha za vu zu, Gjorgje Jovanovik, Alban Muja, Suat Öğüt, Zeyno Pekünlü, Ilgın Seymen, Raycho Stanev, Gökçe Süvari, Mary Zygouri

Dokümantasyon & Backstage:

Selda Asal


Zeynep Beler, Eda Gecikmez, Mari Jögiste

13 Eylül - 6 Kasım 2011

Açılış: 13 Eylül 2011 Saat: 18:30

Adres: Rumeli Han B Blok Kat: 3 İstaiklal Cad. Beyoğlu İstanbul

Kavramsal çerçevesini Anadolu ve Balkanlar arasında gerçekleşen mübadele döneminden alarak, sınırların değişkenliği, kültürel ortaklıklar, ihtilaflar, iletişim eksikliği ve yeni iletişim biçimleri kurabilme yöntemleri gibi konulara odaklanan Re-Locate projesi, bu bağlamda seçilen mekanlarla paylaşılan ortak tarihsel geçmişi kendine yol haritası yapmanın yanı sıra, sanatçılar, küratörler, yazarlar ve kurumlar arasında kurulabilecek yeni bir ağa temel oluşturmaya çalışır.

Re- Locate yolculuklarla ve sürekli hareket halinde gerçekleşen deneysel bir workshop pratiğini önerir ve mobil deneyimlerden beslenir. Geçişlilik hali şehirler, sınırlar gibi fiziksel geçişliliğin yanı sıra tarihsel, kimliksel ve ideolojik geçişleri de geniş bir biçimde kapsamaya çalışır.

Re-Locate projesi bu çerçevede gerçekleşen bir dizi workshoptan oluşmuştur. Bunların ilki, Gökçe Süvari, Ha za vu zu (Özgür Erkök, Güneş Terkol), Ilgın Seymen, Mehmet Dere, Suat Öğüt, Zeyno Pekünlü’nün katılımıyla Plovdiv (Filibe), Atina, Üsküp, Prizren ve Priştina’da gerçekleştirildi. Grup, ziyaret ettikleri şehirlerde lokal sanatçılarla birlikte çalışarak, bir yandan bireysel ve kolektif işlerini gerçekleştirirken diğer yandan da deneyimlerini paylaştı.
Projenin İstanbul ayağında gerçekleşen 2. Workshop çalışmasına ise ziyaret edilen şehirlerden davet edilen sanatçılar Alban Muja, Gjorgje Jovanovik, Mary Zygoury ve Raycho Stanev katıldı.

13 September - 6 November 2011

Opening: 13 Eylül 2011 Saat: 18:30

Address: Rumeli Han B Blok Kat: 3 İstaiklal Cad. Beyoğlu İstanbul


Mehmet Dere, Ha za vu zu, Gjorgje Jovanovik, Alban Muja, Suat Öğüt, Zeyno Pekünlü, Ilgın Seymen, Raycho Stanev, Gökçe Süvari, Mary Zygouri

Documentation & Backstage:

Selda Asal


Zeynep Beler, Eda Gecikmez, Mari Jögiste

Re- Locate

The theoretical framework of the Re- Locate project is based on the population exchange between Anatolia and the Balkans and it focuses on the flexibility of the borders, cultural similarities, controversies, the lack of communication between cultures, as well as various methods of developing new communication models. In addition, the project aims at establishing a new network between artists, curators, writers and institutions by making the shared history in the selected places its most important guide.

Re- Locate Project proposes an experimental workshop practice that is based on mobility and translocation. The suggested mobility tries to en- compass the physical transitivity of the cities and borders, as well as the flexibility of historical, identitarian, and ideological borders.

Re- Locate project consists of a series of workshops that are realized in this framework. The first part of the series is realized in Plovidiv, Athens, Skopje, Prizren, and Pristine with the participation of Gökçe Süvari, Ha za vu zu (Özgür Erkök, Güneş Terkol), Ilgın Seymen, Mehmet Dere, Suat Öğüt, and Zeyno Pekünlü. The group worked in collaboration with the local artists in the places that they visited. They worked on both their individual works and collective works and shared their experiences with each other.
The second workshop is realized in Istanbul with the participation of the artists who were invited to Istanbul from the places that are visited: Alban Muja, Gjorgje Jovanovik, Mary Zygoury, and Raycho Stanev.

18 Ağustos 2011 Perşembe

Re Locate Work in Progress / Istanbul 3rd workshop II













Re Locate Work in Progress / Istanbul 3rd workshop






21 Temmuz 2011 Perşembe

Re-Locate Meeting with Elena Veljanovska / Part 1 / Roumeli Han 13.07.2011

Elena Veljanovska

E.V.: What your expectations for this project in the begining and how they are changing through its development? This is specially important for those travelling but still I think it is important for you (Mary, Raycho) and Gjjorgje and Alban who are on residency. Stil you have one expectation and you get something else. And then what about the discussion this project provoked in you and then what were changes this project brought to your work and how did you really like experiences and adopted your creativity in a way? And then to explain as much as posibble really what will your work focus in the final exhibition? And then how do you see as a part of everything like what made you do this king of project then what was your insparation really as mush as detailed about the final project?

Zeyno Pekünlü

Z.P.: This project had two sides for me. First one was really about being a bride which could be international in any place. Second part was when I heard about the project, we always talk about our neighbors and it is an important issue if you ask anyone in the city they have like grandparents from the Balkans, Bulgaria, Macedonia... But actually we don’t have any idea. It is just a myth that they came from there to here. So it is an opportunity to see it and to see the facts then to see the similar differences or to change that myth in my head. And actually it did change. I was expecting more familiar things but it wasn’t that familiar for me. I felt the differences. I felt that it is not a common history even though it has some connection points. And the other expectation of course was to know the artists that we are going to travel all together and also the artists we are going to meet… not only artist but people who help us the co workers like knowing people and also the other part was this project allowed me go into the hair dresses where the most gossip is made so sort of using that to hear the staff I want to hear about those places and the relation between turkey and those places.

Ilgın Seymen / Özgür Erkök (HaZaVuZu)

I.S.: In one sentence my work is like the methodology lets say is collecting spread data information and reconfigurating them on some common renovated that in order to be statement. Collecting and reconfiguration that methodology I used and start this project. I had a wake idea again on to collect but those collecting material is about now so I have time everything that issue. Timing as the lived moment in two senses. In a lived moment as the era we live in’ the time we live in as digest. And the specific moment I lived as I integrate myself with the world as borrow experience. So my intention was to go to the place live there a I living there so immediately connecting with the people who I can. And there are some issues that I am choosing. In that sense history becomes not so realm to me. The moment I see moment that I connected through moment so I don’t look at project in a historical point of you. What are we leaving at the moment? For young generation what kind of communities we share can make the global language. Music is part of it, visual culture is part of it…

Ö.E.: Usually when we are working , we built simple basic structure. And the rest is developed with the people around also with the process. And this structure can be more strict in some cases more flexible some other cases. For Re Locate project we decided to make our cut the flow performance, which is based on cutting the flow of Pedestrian Street in the city with the people making announcement inviting them make a flesh wall to stay like a wall in two minutes. So it was a kind of basic structure for us to make there so it was a kind of aim. The rests which means how we organized it and what else can we do related the do it or around the project or something completely different. It is all developed during the process. So our expectation was putting something basic idea and also trying to find some meetings and collaborations. Those collaborations started with the Re Locate group at the beginning. For instance we met with Ilgın. We started to make some radio teasers some street music and some advertisement announcements together for cut the flow. We were also kind of working together then we started to meet some other people when we visited the cities and of course for-five days it is very short limited time so people you can meet or things you can do is very limited. But even though it is lead to it can lead to you know another thing in the future. So we didn’t expect too much but at least those meetings and stuff. For instance we met Mary in Athens and we really wanted to make some collaboration in the future. We are still talking and discussing about that. And also when we met people in the cities we tried to collaborate in different ways organize our performance there. So there were different outcomes such as organizing some radio programs for instance and some ideas from the people, some other ideas. So more or less it went quiet well for us those meetings.

Mary Zyguri

M.Z.: I met all these very nice group in Athens and I think by instinct I realize that it was a very fresh, flexible group that very fast they follow the reality of Greece which I think it is very important. I felt very closed from the very first moment. And I arrived here and I had already very good feeling but I think being here I am like discover another reality all these group and of course another reality of the city which is very important because...I am the third time but I believe this time I really understand, I think, understand more reality of the city. So I didn’t have an idea but the first days I had an idea but after all these bombarding artistic interaction wit h the people here for is very important. So I keep changing these. And I believe it is really nice creative process. I hope something is going to come out of it. And I think the other thing is very important is all the discussions we are doing everyday very nice because we have the time to develop in a way our discussion. We had just four days in Athens I think now in Istanbul we have more time to go deeper to understand much better who is the one I really liked at the beginning, I understand why I like these person. And I believe it is very nice most of them we are like develop in friendship and very nice network.

Raycho Stanev

R.S.: I think on the way of working, my idea a bit changing or lets say upgrading. Because I have two line that I am working: the first one, that I am going to here in the autumn, about the city about Istanbul and deeply connecting with the team here. So because it was second time in Istanbul and totally different than the first time. I just find how different could be one city through the working process which is remind me my student time. When I was working, explore the city much better than the others. So I decided to here make some interview with the team about working process how cities lets say re located for them through the work of the relocate project like especially for us for the guests it is a totally different experience but I think also for local people it is again re find some new things of the city like Eda today visit some places she has never been. And also like could be some feeling to some places spending time together. And I am planning to make some interactive collage with this conversation with the team. And also some small fragments with some short videos I am taking all the time, walking in Istanbul. It is small details fragments of the city just to take the atmosphere and the rhythm of the city and actually this is my impression of Istanbul and I wanted to show for the others. That is my impression of Istanbul from the people whose I am working with them.

Selda Asal

S.A.: At the end there will be an exhibition for sure. This is the conclusion of the experience. So how we experience of this project. So I will try to explain with this all together, working together, and also through the videos, the documentary are our archive. Then try to a bit open as a source that what we have done on the way so this is one important thing. Archive is mostly.. not the archive; backstage, we say; it will not be the transition or translating the language. It will be the real ...kind of documentation. So artist would probably they would transform the idea or the knowledge in different ways, this way or that way. But the backstage will be the one who is maybe kind of giving the an example moving workshop.. mobile workshop…That is it…

Gökçe Süvari

G.S.: We met with the artists we were in circumstances and you know every specific place, each artist try to exist themselves somehow, try to find some strategies to find different ways. Because these were not really easy places where we went. These are not like, you know, Berlin or London... These are, you know, hard or extreme spaces comparing to that. We had little chance to observe this. But when we invite the artists to here now, we have more chance to talk about, open this discussions how all of these artists find the strategies to exist themselves in these places. So this is important for me. And this is why it’s important to find this kind of networking. We talked already in the morning that all the people know each other somehow already: like from some exhibition, from friends so in that way it is already a present network but it is just not visible so this is a chance that we are making it visible. So I believe that this publication is also very important. Because if somebody who hasn’t experienced this, will have a chance to see what is going on actually in this region and what are the chances to collaborate, what are the chances to establish a better network. That’s why I call it; it’s like the beginning of the experience.

Re-Locate Work in Progress / Balat 10.07.2011

Mary Zyguri, Gjorgje Jovanovik, Raycho Stanev, Selda Asal
Photos: Mari Jögiste